Metso's Neles series L6 is a double flanged metal seated Neldisc triple eccentric disc valve, for both control and tight shut-off applications. High reliability of the valve affects directly to operational cost of plant. Especially when it's combined with Neles double acting or single acting B-series actuator and Neles ND9000 smart positioner or smart on/off devices like Neles SwitchGuard or high performance safety device Neles
ValvGuard. Neldisc triple eccentric disc valve is your problem solver when working in pair with B-series actuator and intelligent ND9000 positioner with capability to deliver advanced diagnostics. The valve is particularly well suited for the refining, power, petrochemical and chemical industries. The L6 incorporates the Neldisc® triple eccentric metal seated design, which provides extended operational life in tight shut-off, high cycle, high temperature and abrasive applications.Sdisc flow treatment expands application possibilities beyond those of typical butterfly valves.
Size range
Pressure classes
Temperature range
- -200 °C … +600 °C / -330°F…+1110°F
» Link to L6 series triple eccentric disc valve technical bulletins